
Monday, March 3, 2014

The Road to Inspiration

Sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile. I got caught up doing other things, i.e., creating a book club, writing a mystery dinner, creating short films, traveling, life.

But I am back to focusing on my writing. My wife and I decided on a whim to travel out to Texas to eat good food and see what there was to see. I discovered that traveling to other places, especially when via road trip, can lead to intense inspiration.

During our travels, I developed a really cool short story I am titling Ghosts, I mapped out four books/seasons of children's series called Arlo & the Compendium, and planned my next anthology of short stories, Characters. 

When you are struggling to find inspiration, take a break from your normal day to day life and go do something new.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Building the Guild

Over the last 6 months, I have been collaborating with several other artists. We decided that we could accomplish way more working together than we could individually. So we have banded together and formed a guild of artists known as Dreaming God.

On the guild site, you will find upcoming projects that we are working on, as well as short films, stories, blogs, art, etc that we have already done.

Visit the site and give it a look see. And those of you who are starving for more actual writing from me, I will be posting a new poem for my next collection soon.