Chapter 24
3:00 am
Four floors underground
The room was darkness, except for the single halo of light projected by the hanging lamp above my head. The light illuminated a fist as it smashed into my face. The impact caused the cold, metal chair to dig into my naked body. The chair would have fallen over if it had not been bolted to the floor. Stars exploded before eyes as another blow drove into the back of my skull. Blood frollicked about my face. Several loose teeth danced inside my mouth. Despite all of those distracting externalities, my attention was focused on the poem that I was taught growing up.
I saw a man beaten down
By the people he had served
He had given all he had
And they ground him into the dirt
Then left him there for dead
He arose, looked up at me, and said,
“Forgive them Son, for they
Do not know what they do
They repaid me for my deeds
The only way they knew how to”
Smiling he continued,
“Follow me and I’ll show you why I’m not down”
3:00 am
Thirty four stories above ground
The wind tugged insistently at my $2,000 suit, compelling me towards the edge of the building. Peering into the abyss, I saw a glimmering city. Its sounds called out to me, whispered to me. This is my city, my home, my prison, and my grave. Standing on the ledge was terrifying and exhilarating. A sense of euphoria that I had never before experienced surged through my veins. I would be free soon! Everything about this moment would have been perfect if only I could have been rid of the annoying rhyme my father taught me.
I saw a man lifted up
By the people he had hurt
He had taken everything they had
And they praised him for his work
He moved away from the crowd
Looked down at me and said,
“Hate them Boy, for they’ll
Never be like me and you
They are mindless cattle, an aimless
Herd with nothing great to do”
Smirking he continued,
“Come with me, and I’ll show you how to live well”
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